Graduation Requirements

The Bolton Central School Course of Study for students in Grades K - 12 is enriching, supportive and rigorous. It recognizes that each student may follow different paths and proceed at different rates in reaching their common goal, graduation from Bolton Central School.
Upon the successful completion of Grade 5, and during the time spent in Grades 6, 7 & 8, every Bolton Central Student shall successfully complete at least all of the following before promotion into Grade 9

3 units of English
3 units of Social Studies
3 units of Science (incl. Life & Physical)
3 units of Math
3 units of Physical Education
1 unit of Foreign Language
1 unit of Technology Education
.50 unit of Health
.75 unit of Family Consumer Science
.25 unit of Library Media Education
.50 unit of Music
.50 unit of Art
.50 units of Computer Studies

Students who do not achieve a passing grade in each course during Grades 6, 7 & 8 must attend summer school to achieve a passing course grade before promotion to the next grade. If a passing grade is not achieved the student must repeat the entire grade, even if other courses in that grade were passed.

Credited High School courses will be the first encounter with Regent examinations, which are required for Graduation. Achieving a passing grade on a minimum of 5 Regent examinations is mandatory before graduation. These exams are:

Algebra Exam
Earth Science or Living Environment Exam
Comprehensive ELA (11) Exam
Global History Exam
U.S. History and Government Exam

To meet the above standards all Bolton Central School students shall prepare for and take the following Regent examinations in association with courses taken:


Advanced Algebra and Trigonometry
Earth Science
Living Environment (Biology)
English Language Arts Exam (Grade 11)
Global History Exam (Grade 10)
US History and Gov’t Exam (Grade 11)
All applicable Regent Exams for courses
Which offer them.

Bolton Central School will administer the Regent Exam as the only final exam in any course, which offers such examination. Regent Exams may be repeated after conclusion of a course for the purpose of improving one’s grade or transcript, as many times as possible until graduation.

All students in Grades 9 - 12 must be enrolled in the following courses:

4 units of English
4 units of Soc. Studies (Global History 9 & 10, US History & Gov’t 11,
Part. in Gov’t. & Economics 12)
4 units of Math (Must include Algebra)
3 units of Science (Must include Earth Science & Living Environ.)
2 units of Physical Education (Spread over 4 years)
.50 unit of Health
3 units of Foreign Language
1 unit of Studio Art
3.5 units (or more) in elective courses

25 Unit Total for Graduation


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