For over two decades part of the 6th grade science curriculum has included a day spent with Lake George Association’s Floating Classroom staff. After some discussion, secondary science teacher Mr. Sheridan and 1st grade teacher Mrs. Castellano decided to combine the two classes for a day of learning. This year our 6th graders were paired with 1st grade students in order to begin fostering an appreciation for the sciences and the environment we live in. Working together the entire group earned the title, “Certified Lake Protectors.”
During this program students learn the basics about Lake George and its history. While on board LGA’s Floating Classroom students learned the geographic basics about Lake George as well as its history; from the time of the glaciers, to its significance in American history to why the water flows North. Research also took our student scientists to nearby streams where they were able to better understand what a water shed is and how it flows into Lake George. Students were encouraged to wade into the stream to learn about what lives in the water basin habitat and how conditions beyond the shores of the lake can affect the lake as a whole.
The lake is a unique resource, one that we are proud to protect and share. The Floating Classroom educates BCS students on how they can help keep our waters clean for the well-being of all who live in and around Lake George. Nurturing young scientists with real life experiences can create the foundation for future scientists to completely change how we solve global issues. The ability to safely allow our 6th grade students to step into a leadership role helps develop confidence. These memorable experiences help build connections between generations of students.