Labor Day is Monday, September 4th. Classes for students in PK-12 begin on Wednesday, September 6th. The building is buzzing with activity to get everything ready for September. Back to school packets have been mailed home. You can start gathering what you might need this year by checking out the Student Supply List by clicking the link below!
2023 School Supply Lists
We are proud to report that the district has made the commitment to provide all children attending Bolton Central School to be served reimbursable meals at no charge regardless of financial status for the 2023 – 2024 school year. All nutritional guidelines will remain the same.
All a la carte and snack items will still need to be purchased.
Families are strongly encouraged to complete and submit the Application for Free and Reduced-Price School Meals/Milk to be considered for additional benefits.
This paper work was included in Back-to-School packets that were sent home. A copy can also be found by clicking HERE.
Want to know what’s for Breakfast and Lunch? Take a look at the September menu here:
September Menu
Pre-Kindergarten Open House information has been mailed! If you have any questions, please give us a call at 518 644 2400. The new school year is right around the corner and we look forward to seeing you!