The 2021 fall athletics season kicked off with a record breaker! Gabrielle Mowery broke the school record of career assists! Class of 2017 Abbie Seamans was the record holder with 61. Gabby’s two assists in the Thursday, September 2nd game versus Northville put her at 62. With the season just starting that new record may be around for a while! Congratulations Gabby!
You can see the Post Star’s write up of the game here: https://poststar.com/sports/high-school/soccer/mowery-sets-record-in-b-w-victory/article_1d30fa9b-7c5e-5082-9aa2-d119a21530d5.html?fbclid=IwAR04ve015s2Taz-LUep8vDFFdU8vfVH5Ksuk1j0LXOPhQQ2f186BtiUBNz0
You can see the highlights of the game here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pg7Z7Asesjk
Thanks to Mr. Frank Pittelli for documenting these events as he can!