When planning for college, every little bit of extra financial support helps to defray the costs of higher education. Many students seek out opportunities for scholarships.
Each year, TCT offers high school seniors the opportunity to compete for statewide college scholarships through the New York Credit Union Association’s College Scholarship Program. Scholarships may be used at a two- or four-year accredited educational institution, or vocational or trade school. The funds help pay for tuition, room and board, books, and school supplies.
Ila Hubert and Tyler Trowbridge were recently notified that they had been selected to receive scholarships from TCT Federal Credit Union.
Sixteen high school seniors received between $750 and $1,000 to help finance their college education. The students, members of TCT Federal Credit Union, were chosen based on their outstanding academic and extracurricular achievements, community service involvement and leadership qualities.
“We are very pleased to award these scholarships to our hard-working young members,” said Community Relations Manager, Jeannie Dickinson. “It proves that the ‘people helping people’ philosophy of the credit union movement is alive and well and we couldn’t be prouder.”
Congratulations Ila and Tyler!