You may remember that back in November our kindergarten class held an election to choose the class mascot. The mascot chosen was the owl. This past week our kindergarten students were immersed in the study of owls. The habitat, lifecycle and habits of owls were all part of the learning. The bulletin board outside of the kindergarten classroom was full of facts.
The week was filled with exciting hands-on activities around all thing’s owl. Kindergarteners were treated to a visit from BCS retired science teacher Mr. John Gaddy. Mr. Gaddy brought knowledge and bones! The group also got to learn proper science safety, tool use, and what part of the food chain owls belong in. With guidance from Mr. Gaddy, Mrs. Egloff and Mrs. Persons, students were able to dissect owl pellets and take a closer look at what owls eat. Together they collected and examined a diverse group of bones that they discovered in the owl pellets.
Next on the owl agenda, our kindergarten students were able to head down to the Fabrication Lab and have a hand in creating their mascot t-shirts. Ms. Carlson assisted students with using the in-house t-shirt press. Our students proudly wore their new owl swag back up to class.
Last but certainly not least our students enjoyed a visit from our friends at Silent Wings Raptor Rehab and Education. Our students understood how important it was be calm and sit very still so as not to startle our raptor friends. What a delight to be so close to so many beautiful creatures and know that Bolton Central School’s own mascot, the eagle is part of this majestic group of birds. The whole week was filled with learning and memorable experiences!