Bolton CSD kindergarteners had the chance to participate in the voting process and have their voices heard today and the votes are in!
Leading up to Election Day, kindergarten teachers Mrs. Egloff and Mrs. Persons wanted students to understand the importance of elections and experience democracy in action so they staged an election and had the class vote on the animal to be the kindergarten mascot for the rest of the school year.
Every kindergartener nominated an animal that he or she would like to have represent the class. The two most popular candidates, possum and owl, were placed on the official election ballot. The class created its own ballot box and asked all the elementary students to vote on the candidate they thought would make the best kindergarten mascot.
Then kindergarteners used their counting skills to tally the ballots and determine the winner.
We are proud to report that the owl won the election and will be the kindergarten class mascot this year!