Recently students in Pre - K, Kindergarten and 1st grade journeyed back through time (via a school bus!) to visit the Triassic, Jurassic and Cretaceous periods in a fun and interactive way. The group headed to Dinos Alive in Schenectady for an exciting day of adventure and learning.
Before their journey, our student paleontologists prepared with a variety of fossil activities and dinosaur research here in their classrooms.
Dinos Alive is an immersive exhibition taking you back millions of years to the land of giants. With the help of realistic, life-sized moving replicas and a fully themed venue, you’ll step right into the Jurassic era and meet over 80 specimens of famous dinosaurs such as the T-rex, Stegosaurus, and Velociraptor and even went for a ride on these land giants. Students were also able to interact with Jurassic sea giants in a unique virtual aquarium. See what it feels like to walk alongside some of the largest animals to have ever set foot on our planet!