Molly Gordon

Hello My Name Is...

Molly Gordon

Welcome! I am the School Psychologist and CPSE/CSE/Section 504 Chairperson at Bolton Central School District. I work with students of all ages and grade levels at Bolton Central School. I collaborate with students, teachers, service providers, administration, families, and community agencies to help ensure we are supporting our students in the best ways possible for their academic development, social-emotional development, and behavioral development. I also manage the world of preschool special education, school-age special education, and Section 504 services within the Bolton Central School District.

In addition to my roles listed above, I am also the Homeschool Coordinator and the McKinney-Vento Liaison for the Bolton Central School District. I am responsible for assisting families with the homeschooling process when they are interested in homeschooling their children. I am also responsible for assisting children and families who are homeless so that support is offered to ensure that homeless children and youth have equal access to the same free, appropriate, public education as their peers.

It is an honor and a pleasure to work with the students and families of the Bolton community, and I welcome you to reach out anytime you feel I may be of assistance! 

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