Student Support Services/ Special Education

Bolton Central School is staffed by a team of professionals who include the following:

Molly Gordon* Phone: 518-644-2400, ext. 109 /Fax: 518-644-2124 /Email: [email protected]
School Psychologist
CSE/CPSE Chairperson
504 Accommodation Plan Committee Chairperson

Diane Burkhardt * Phone: 518-644-2400, ext.111/Fax: 518-644-2124 /Email: [email protected]
CSE Support Staff

Chad Shippee * Phone: 518-644-2400/Fax: 518-644-2124 /Email: [email protected]
Principal - Section 504 Accommodation Plan Compliance Officer

Kandi Kelley 
Fax: 518-644-2124 /Email: [email protected]
Special Education Faculty

Jessica Foy Fax: 518-644-2124 /Email: [email protected]
Special Education Faculty

Siobhan Carney-NesbittFax: 518-644-2124 /Email: [email protected]
Speech and Language Therapist

Yvonne Powers Fax: 518-644-2124 /Email: [email protected]
Occupational Therapist

Listed below are important links for parents and caregivers.

For the New York State Education Department Procedural Safeguard Notice, please click the link below

Special Education in New York State for Children Ages 3–21 - A Parent’s Guide

For the Section 504 Accommodation Plan please click the file link below.

Committee on Special Education (CSE)

The CSE is responsible for ensuring that special education services are provided to students with disabilities (age 5-21). The Committee works together with parents to ensure that services are provided in the least restrictive environment and that students have access to the general education curriculum.  If it is determined through evaluations that a child possesses a disability, there are a variety of special education programs and supports available at Bolton Central Schools.

Committee on Preschool Special Education (CPSE)

Special education services are also available if your child has not yet turned school age. The Bolton Committee on Preschool Special Education is responsible for ensuring that parents are aware of steps to take if they suspect their child (age 3-5) might have a disability. The CPSE which is comprised of preschool special education agency representatives, county administrators, parents as well as the CPSE Chair work to make sure that all parents know what opportunities, evaluations and services are available for their child.

504 Accommodation Plan

The 504 Accommodation Plan is a legal document based on federal anti-discrimination law (Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act). Students found to be in need of a 504 Accommodation Plan typically do not require a full Individual Education Plan but rather accommodations such as extended time on tests, preferential seating and a separate location in which to take exams. Students who are being considered for a 504 Accommodation Plan are reviewed by the Bolton 504 Accommodation Plan Committee. 

Response To Intervention (RTI)

RTI is the practice of providing high-quality instruction/intervention matched to student needs. RTI uses frequent and ongoing monitoring of students’ progress to make important decisions about an individual student. The Response To Intervention Committee at Bolton schools meets on a weekly basis. Students are typically referred to this committee by teachers.

Occupational Therapy

Occupational therapy is a related service to special education under Part B of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). Related services are provided when they are needed to assist students in benefiting from their special education program. 

School based therapists look at the underlying skills and issues related to hand function, oral motor control, visual motor and perceptual skills, sensory processing, self-care and pre-vocational tasks in an educational environment. These areas can be addressed through interventions, which may include but are not limited to direct therapy with a child, consultation with the teachers, modification of the environment, use of adaptive equipment, and staff/parent training. Referrals are made through the RTI Committee.

Speech/Language Therapy

Speech therapy addresses a student’s needs in the areas of articulation, fluency, voice, and receptive and expressive language. Students are recommended for the program through referrals initiated by teachers, counselors and parents to the RTI Committee. Therapy sessions are typically 30 minutes in length and students attend therapy two to four times per week, depending upon the severity of the delay. 

In addition to individual sessions, speech therapy is provided as a push-in service in the classroom. Students are assisted with written language assignments, following directions and auditory comprehension. Grades K-5 receive a weekly language lesson pertaining to the grade level. Speech/language therapy is a service designed to enable students to experience increased success in the regular education classroom. 

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