English Language Arts

Grade 6
This course focuses on reading and reading comprehension. All genres of literature, short stories, folk literature and poetry are part of the curriculum. Emphasis is placed on active reading strategies as we read in class as well as on our own. Students are encouraged to read as much as possible, sharing thoughts, feelings and reactions through whole group and small group activities. Students connect to the world beyond while reading and responding to various selections.

ELA Communications
A Grade 6 course that focuses on the writing process, this course includes collaboration, revision, and drafting. Students learn the purpose for writing and write with more structure. Emphasis is placed on using graphic organizers, rough drafts, editing, and the final essay. Students learn more independence when writing. Spelling and grammar are emphasized as well.

Grade 7
This course focuses students on making connections to the world beyond. Students are encouraged to connect their own thoughts and feelings to others in the world through literature, short stories, and poetry. Students will write about these connections in creative pieces and essays. Emphasis is placed on essay writing, organization, editing, spelling, and grammar.

Grade 8
The Grade 8 course in English Language Arts focuses on the transition from middle school to high school. Groundwork is laid that will give the students needed vocabulary and understanding to further their knowledge of the language arts. Genres of literature are studied including poetry, short stories and the novel, as well as drama and essays. Preparation is extensive for the New York State English Language Arts exam, which will be given in January of each year. Presentations, both oral and written, will progress throughout the year, rounding out the teaching of the State Standards in English Language Arts.

Grade 9
Freshman entering this year of English/Language Arts study are capable of much higher understanding than in previous years. Because of this, the ninth grade ELA program represents a major jump in the level of literature covered in class. Epic poetry and Shakespearean drama are both studied, as well as novels. Particular attention is given to the short story and the writing process. The students will then demonstrate their knowledge and proficiency of this form of literature by producing creative writing portfolios of their own, incorporating all aspects of what they have learned. Essay structure and the logical presentation of information, both in writing and speaking, will also receive a great deal of attention.

Grade 10
English 10 is designed to help students master the academic standards set for all New York students. Critical to the course is reading, writing, listening and speaking for information and understanding, literary response and expression, critical analysis and evaluation, and social interaction. To meet those standards, the course places heavy emphasis upon grammar because it aids our understanding of our language and its best use; reading from a variety of genres and time periods; composition across several modalities; and speaking in multiple settings and for distinctly different purposes. The overall goal of the course is to mold students into effective communicators, regardless of the specific mode of expression.

Grade 11
English 11 builds upon the academic standards set forth for English 10 and is designed to help students become even more sophisticated readers, writers, listeners and speakers. Within the course is a heightened focus upon English proficiency. The course culminates in the English Regents Examination, which assesses master of content from previous grades.

Grade 12
The Grade 12 year of English Language Arts focuses upon preparing the students for the various challenges of college and later life. The students are required to submit research papers with full documentation. Students learn to research effectively, budget their time and cite references properly, avoiding the pitfalls of plagiarism. Collegiate style essays will then be discussed and each student will submit one from the Common Application. These essays can later be submitted with completed collegiate or university applications if they so desire. The history of our language is studied from its origins to present day, and students will read literature from these various periods. Written and oral expression will be extensively used throughout the year, discussing themes and concepts relevant to our modern world.

World Literature
World Literature is an elective course for Grade 11 or 12 English students who enjoy exploring literature in greater depth and who are interested in improving both their reading and writing skills. The selected titles have been written mid-twentieth century and beyond, and present issues relevant to a global experience.

English Language Arts Support (FLX)
This support class is designed to assist students in concert with regular English classes by increasing time on task dealing with English Language Arts skills needed to be successful. Particular emphasis on mechanics, spelling, sentence structure, paragraphing and correcting sentences is given. These are developmental skills necessary for successful course completion and graduation leading to employment or college enrollment.

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