Health Office

Bolton Central School  has  a full-time school nurse (a registered professional nurse) onsite during the school year. The goal of our health office is to promote and maintain the health of children, so they are optimally prepared to learn at school. This section of our website has been set up to provide information regarding some of the questions and concerns families may have. Further information can be provided by our school nurse whose contact information is below.

Select Board of Education Policies in the student section address specific district information on the following topics outlined below. The hyperlink will lead users to the student section of district policies where an individual policy number can be entered into the search box to bring up the desired policy.

Mrs. Shanah Krug, School Nurse
Voice Mail: 518 644-2400 Extension 406
Health Office Fax: 518 691-9288
E-Mail: [email protected]

Immunizations Policy 7511 -  Immunization of Students

Immunization requirements fall under NYSDOH public health laws.

Students are considered fully immunized if they have the correct doses for their age and the minimum interval between doses was in accordance with the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) Recommended Child and Adolescent Immunization Schedule for ages 18 or younger.

Students who do not meet immunization requirements must not be permitted to attend school. 

The school nurse will communicate with parent/guardian regarding missing immunizations.

Verbal explanation and a written copy of the district school policy will be provided to parents/guardians along with written documentation of specific immunizations their child is missing.

A written letter informing the parent/guardian of exclusion date will be provided by school principal when necessary.

FAQ immunization requirements
2023-24 School Year New York State Immunization Requirements for School Entrance/Attendance
NYSED immunization guidelines for schools
Meningitis information for parents

Health Screenings -Vision, Hearing, and Scoliosis
Policy 7510 - School Health Services

All new students, PreK or K, 1,3,5,7,9 & 11 are required to have health screenings. These are typically done at a well child visit, but sometimes they are not. The school nurse performs these screenings throughout the year as needed/requested.

NYS Screening requirements chart

Health and Dental Examination Requirements
Policy 7512 - Student Physicals

All new students, PreK or K, 1,3,5,7,9 & 11 are required to have a completed health examination submitted to the school within 30 days of the start of the school year. If the parent/guardian has not provided documentation to the health office by this time then written notification will be sent that the school will conduct a health examination of their child at school by the district medical director (Education Law §903, Commissioner’s regulation §136.3 (c)(1]).

A dental certificate which states your child has been seen by a dentist or dental hygienist may also be asked for at the same as the health examination form – please have your child’s dentist complete and return this form to the health office.

Medications in School Policy 7513 - Medication and Personal Care Items

All medications to be given at school require BOTH a medication order from the student’s primary care provider and parental permission. This is required for ANY medication whether it is prescription or over the counter. 

Permission is also needed for field trips/school sponsored events. Students that are not self-directed must have designated person available to administer medication if parent/guardian unable to attend event with student. Students who do not have this permission signed will not be able to attend field trip/school sponsored event.

Medication orders are valid for a period of 12 months from date order was signed by medical provider.

Parents/guardians are responsible for transporting medications to be given at school. Medications provided to the health office will also need to be picked up by the parent/guardian before the last day of school. If a medication has not been picked up by this time, it will be disposed of.

No medications are to be in a child’s possession UNLESS it is a “rescue” medication (needs to be rapidly administered to prevent adverse health outcomes). A signed medication order from the primary care provider along with an attestation and parent/guardian permission that the student is eligible to independently carry and administer medication needs to be on file in the health office. 

Medications that fall into this category include: inhalers for asthma conditions, EpiPen auto injectors for anaphylactic allergies, and glucagon for severe low blood sugar in student with diabetes. 

It is best practice that if the student is self-directed and able to self-carry the medication that an extra be kept in the health office. 

EpiPen and Glucagon can also be administered by non-nurse staff in schools. The registered school nurse is required to train the willing staff member in administration of the specific medication. Documentation of this training is maintained by the school nurse for each specific student. 

Medical Conditions Policy 7521 - Life Threatening Health Conditions

Some students have medical conditions that require collaboration and management during school. The school nurse acts a resource for planning and implementation of care in collaboration with parents/guardians and the student’s primary care provider. This planning includes daily and emergency care if needed. 

All students that have life threatening conditions should have an emergency care plan (and/or individualized care plan) in place. Sample plans can be found in the forms section. 

When to Keep Your Child Home

It can be hard to know when to send children to school. Usually, the best place for them to be is in school, but there are some times when it is best to keep them home to rest or go see a health care provider for an evaluation.

It is not a good idea to give fever reducing medications if your child has a fever before school. The medicine will wear off and fever/symptoms may return and you will be called to come pick up your child. 

Please keep your child home with any of the follow symptoms:
Fever greater than 100 degrees F 
Vomiting and/or diarrhea within the last 24 hours
Severe sore throat along with fever and feeling sick for more than 48 hours
Body rash with oozing, drainage or fever
Large amounts of mucus (liquid) from their nose, with face pain or headache
Severe ear pain or fluid coming from the ear
Severe headache, especially with a fever

You may have your child return to school when:
Fever free without assistance of fever reducing medications for 24 hours
Free from vomiting/diarrhea for 24 hours
Have been treated for 24 hours with antibiotics for bacterial related infections
Released by medical provider to return to school if initial evaluation required emergency care/hospital stay 

Influenza (Flu) Policy 7511- Immunization of Students

NYSDOH annually produces influenza education materials to be posted in plain view in all schools in the state each year which provide information to families on the flu and the benefits of the flu vaccine. 

Fight the Flu


Bolton CSD is following current recommendations from the CDC regarding COVID 19 to keep the school/community safe:

CDC Respiratory Illness Guidance

Pediculosis Policy 7000 - Head Lice

In the United States, infestation with head lice (Pediculus humanus capitis) is most common among preschool- and elementary school-age children and their household members and caretakers. Head lice are not known to transmit disease; however, secondary bacterial infection of the skin resulting from scratching can occur with any lice infestation. (CDC)

Getting head lice is not related to cleanliness of the person or his or her environment. (CDC)

If student is displaying symptoms of potential lice infestation the school nurse will do a “head check” and notify parent for further instruction. 

Student may return to school after consultation with primary care provider and has received treatment.

School nurse will communicate with parents for ongoing concerns/guidance.

CDC Head Lice General Information
CDC Head Lice treatment guidelines

Dominic Sudden Cardiac Arrest Prevention Act

The Act was written to ensure that schools, students, and parents are provided with critical, lifesaving information on sudden cardiac arrest (SCA) risks, signs and symptoms, to ensure students at risk are evaluated prior to participation in athletics, and that SCA is immediately recognized and treated to prevent death.

Dominic Murray Sudden Cardiac Arrest Prevent Act Memo

The Interval Health History for Athletics Form must be completed prior to each sports season unless a physical examination has been conducted within 30 days before the start of the season. The updated form contains questions to elicit potential risk for cardiac conditions and to identify students who need to see a healthcare provider for further evaluation.

Concussions Policy 7522 Concussion Management

Concussions that occur during interscholastic sports require evaluation by MD and require Medical Director clearance for return to play.

The “Return to Play” protocol is initiated upon clearance from MD to return to physical activity: this protocol is designed to take place over the course of five school supervised practice days and progressively increases the athlete’s physical activities while observing for symptoms of intolerance. 

Once day six is completed, the form is provided to Medical Director for final clearance to return to interscholastic sports without restrictions.

The school nurse’s role in this process is to review MD documentation and communicate with the Athletic Director, coaches, parents and student regarding student’s condition and progress. The school nurse communicates with the medical director regarding student’s completion of the return to play protocol and maintains the necessary documentation in the student’s record.

Concussion Information Sheet for Parents 

NYSED Concussion Guidelines for Management in Schools

Return to Play Form

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