Applications for Absentee/Early Mail Voter Ballots
Residents of Bolton Central School District are eligible to vote if they are:
- Eighteen years or older
- A United States Citizen
- Have resided in the district for thirty days prior to the vote. (A voter may have only one legal domicile (residence) that is his/her place of permanent residence.)
Absentee Ballots
- Absentee ballots will be available to those residents who will not be able to vote in person at the next vote.
- Residents requesting an absentee ballot must be a qualified voter of the district and have an explicit reason such as illness, out of town due to business or vacation, or a college student away at school.
- Applications are available on-line below or can be obtained at the District Clerk's office located in the Main Office by the close of business at 3:00 p.m. the day before the vote if the ballot is to be issued to the voter in person. If the ballot is to be mailed, the application must be received one week prior to the vote.
- The application should be returned to the District Clerk's office.
- All absentee ballots must be received by 5:00 p.m. on the day of the vote.
Early Mail Ballots
Who may use this application for a school district early mail ballot? You may use this application if you are a qualified voter participating in a school election for which early vote by mail is authorized by law. You may only apply for an early mail ballot on your own behalf. A voter who applies for and is issued an early mail ballot will not be eligible for an absentee ballot for the same election.
Early Mail Ballot applications are available on-line below or can be obtained at the District Clerk's office located in the Main Office by the close of business at 3:00 p.m. the day before the vote if the ballot is to be issued to the voter in person.
Where and when to return this application: If you request that the early mail ballot be mailed to you, your application must be received by the district clerk for your school district no later than 7 days before the election for which you seek an early mail ballot. Otherwise, you may personally deliver your application to the district clerk no later than the day before the election. You may not submit your application more than 30 days prior to the election.
When your early mail ballot will be sent to you: If you request that the early mail ballot be mailed to you, the district clerk will mail your ballot by regular mail no later than 6 days prior to the election. Otherwise, the district clerk will deliver your ballot to you or your agent, as designated on your application, when you or your agent appears in the district clerk’s office. For your ballot to be canvassed, it must be received by the school district clerk by 5 p.m. on the day of the election.
Please contact the District Clerk, Christina Dunalewicz, at 644-2400, ext. 407 or [email protected] for further information or if you have any questions.
Absentee Ballot Application
Early Mail Ballot Application