Ms. Hens and her 2nd grade class had a full day with Mr. Ted Caldwell recently. The day started at the Bolton Conservation Club Community Garden to harvest sweet potatoes. Everyone worked together to get the garden beds cleared.
From there students hiked the Pinnacle Trail. Along the way they learned how they could identify some trees by their leaves and also learned to spot forest plants!
These remarkable experiences led to lessons back in the classroom. Ms. Hens and her students used the observations from their trip to work on creating a haiku poem. Haiku poems are unique 17 syllable poems that illustrate the meaning of something or express feelings in just a few descriptive words. The exercise helps students observe the world around them and to understand that poetry can be part of our everyday lives. Students also created artwork to go with their haiku poems.
In addition, each student wrote Mr. Caldwell a thank you note and shared their reflections on different parts of their trip.
The bulletin board outside of the 2nd grade classroom is where this great work can be seen but we are happy share photos of student work here and also photos from the trip!
Our students are so fortunate to have these experiences right in their own back yard and friends like Mr. Caldwell who makes time to spend with our students.