Five BCS 8th graders spent the day participating in ‘Let’s Go STEM 2024,’ program presented by the Adirondack Branch of the American University of Women and the SUNY Adirondack Office of Continuing Education. Over 80 girls from around the region took part in hands-on workshops and were guided by accomplished women in STEM-related professions. Throughout the day our girls participated in workshops such as “Adventures with Spheros,” “Biology Meets Chemistry — The Beauty of Bees,” “Build a Geodesic Dome,” “Exploring Aquatic Ecosystems,” “Hacked!” “How to Extract DNA,” “Introduction to Nursing,” “Is It Cake?” “Papermaking” and “Weather Routing Across the Atlantic.”
Introducing students to female role models in STEM professions can help students imagine themselves in opportunities as future STEM professionals and may spark an interest in pursuing a STEM career.