Democracy Must Be Learned By Each Generation - BCS Students are Well on Their Way!

Democracy Must Be Learned By Each Generation - BCS Students are Well on Their Way!
Posted on 04/10/2019

Thirty Bolton Central School students traveled to the Capitol to present, debate and lobby for Legislative Bills.  The Press Corp was hard at work making a slideshow, writing articles and taking pictures.  Michael Dougherty, Bolton’s only attorney, worked hard at defending his case review.  Billy Morehouse was elected Co-Editor in Chief for next year.  Kiara Mantz, our Head Lobbyist, was awarded a Service Leader Award for having the second highest community service hours out of over 600 students. 

Jayden Mignot and Kiara Mantz have been selected to attend CONA (Conference on National Affairs) in North Carolina this summer. Billy Morehouse is an Alternate. 

District 3 was recognized for being a Premier District.

Molly Showers, Max Gollhofer, Liana Grosser and Kirsten Gollhofer’s bill was nominated for Most Outstanding Bill in Senate and was signed into law by the Youth Governor.  

Morgan Miller was nominated as Outstanding Lobbyist in the Senate.

The photos below show our students at work but the video (in which Head Lobbyist, Kiara Mantz has a presence) truly demonstrates the value of the Youth and Government experience for our students and their perspective on current events.

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